“These are times of many changes and yes, the values ​​of the European Union are shaky. Therefore we have difficulties. But we can fight them.” This sentence by Cristina Gallach, spoken on Monday evening in the Foyer del TecnoCampus, in Mataró, could summarize the meaning of the bulk of the interventions expressed at the first Mataró-Europe Values ​​Forum, organized by Values ​​and the university and technology park and with the support of Pous Grup and Aliança Mataró, held last May 13.

A hundred people attended this new event which aims to strengthen reflection on the major issues on the European agenda and to do so from the point of view of municipalism, which are in fact the major global issues. The other two participants in the round table moderated by the journalist Carles Prats were the engineer Joan Majó, who has advised the European Commission in different forums throughout his career, and Eduardo Javier Ruiz Vieytez, dean of the Faculty of Sciences Social and Human Sciences from the University of Deusto (Basque Country), where he has been director of the Human Rights Institute for fifteen years.

The closing of the event was carried out by the general director of the TecnoCampus, Josep Lluís Checa, who highlighted the launch of this forum as the result of the desire to create spaces for debate in which the technological and university park of the city.