The MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions) industry is evolving towards more sustainable practices, and the Maresme has become an example to follow.

TecnoCampus Congress Center wants to demonstrate that it is possible to combine business success with environmental responsibility, thanks to the application of the Decalogue of Sustainable Events that we have developed.

Here are the ten principles that make the difference:

  1. Environmentally Friendly Locations

Choose venues that practice sustainability, using renewable energies and efficiently managing waste.

  1. Sustainable Transportation

Encourage the use of public transport, carpooling and options such as cycling or walking, providing an interactive map for the most environmentally friendly routes.

  1. Waste Reduction and Management

Implement an effective recycling system and use recyclable and biodegradable materials throughout the event, eliminating single-use plastic cups.

  1. Responsible Energy

Use energy from renewable sources and turn off all equipment when not needed, optimizing every kilowatt.

  1. Local and Seasonal Products

Opt for local suppliers and seasonal foods, reducing the carbon footprint and supporting the local economy.

  1. Eco-friendly materials and decorations

Choose decorations made with sustainable and reusable materials, such as recycled paper flowers and LED lights, creating a magical atmosphere.

  1. Awareness and Education

Organize workshops and talks to raise awareness about sustainability, demonstrating that information is power.

  1. Inclusion and Accessibility

Make the event accessible to all, including people with disabilities, promoting diversity and inclusion as keys to success.

  1. Responsible Use of Water

Promote the use of potable water sources and avoid bottled water, reusing water as much as possible.

  1. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement

After the event, evaluate the environmental impact and collect feedback to improve in the future, demonstrating that there is always space for improvement.

These principles will not only make the event a success but will leave a positive footprint on the environment. Sustainability is not just a trend; it is a responsibility we all have to take on.

The Congress Center and the Maresme MICE industry continue to move towards a greener future, demonstrating that it is possible to hold successful events without compromising the environment.